Dwell Well Creative Cure

Helping women beat stress and anxiety by cultivating home spaces that promote creativity and wellbeing.

You are on this earth to CREATE!

75% of people feel that they are not living up to their creative potential. Only 24% of people say that they have a creative hobby that they practice regularly. 35% of workers say that they are only given a few times a year to be creative at their place of work. 
Creativity is the key to expression. It not only reduces stress and anxiety but allows you to work through problems, know yourself better, be a better problem solver and gain a more more joyful life. It is the most important gift you can give yourself and the people around you..

Why is it so hard to start a creative practice?


  • Stress
  • Time
  • Space
  • Lack of inspiration
  • Feeling you have no creative skill
  • Family Obligations
  • Family Issues
  • Past Trauma
  • Lack of Confidence or Direction
  • Grieving a Loss
  • Job

Dwell Well offers a solution to these road blocks by:

Identifying the challenges that are holding you back.

Finding a way to integrate a creativity practice into your daily life by assessing and re-evaluating your home layout and finding dedicated space for you to start.

Consulting, space-planning and designing that space.

Starting you on your journey with daily creative exercises to spark your imagination, fuel your fire, and bring passion into your life!

The Process

We all have different needs and are on different paths with our creative journey.

Some of us have dedicated spaces that just need to be more functional, some have no space at all.

For each path, there is plan. 

Every plan starts first with an online intake questionnaire, and then a Zoom Consult with Linde to talk about your space and assess your needs.  

Check out the plans below to see what meets your needs.

Benefits of a Creative Life:

  • Soul purpose
  • Feeling of freedom
  • Stress relief
  • Ignited passion
  • Broadened perspectives
  • Self expression
  • Higher Self Awareness
  • Exploration of self and surroundings
  • Fueled imagination
  • Ability to better serve & support others

Join our Creative Community!

Not ready to go all in on getting help with your space?

No worries, I have a DIY starting point for you too!

Join our Dwell Well Creative Community and receive:

"Unlock Your Creative Space: Tips for Cultivating Creativity in Your Interior" for free!